2011 VA Renaissance Faire Pictures

I had loads of fun my first time at the Faire! I ended up going the weekend of the Pirate Invasion (May 21, 2011). So, of course, I went as a pirate. That made for a much easier time putting me outfit together. Also allowed me to strip my original costume idea down a wee bit. I mean, I was planning to go all Renaissancy with the breeches, hose, big poofy shirt, etc. Just couldn't find the materials I needed in the short prep time I had. Made me kind of frustrated at first. Then I saw the weekend's weather report. When I heard it was going to be in the mid-eighties and sunny that made me rethink things. I decided to go all piratey on everyones' arse instead. And believe you me...I was the saltiest seaman that ever came across yer poop deck!! Arrrrrrg...arrrg...arrg...ugggg. (Everybody roll their eyes now as that was quite horrid indeed.) I was actually not that impressive as a pirate. Don't have the legs for it-- wooden or otherwise. Ahem.

Moving on...

My main joy at the faire was shooting all the photos. I took an amazing number that day. It was around 350 I believe. Gasp...I know, that's a lot for one day. I was shooting like crazy trying to gather as many as I could. Surprisingly to me most of them turned out very well. There was just so much to capture. I felt kind of funny and nervous at times stopping so many for their pictures. (I am a bit of a social phobe when around too many people.) But hey...I think that's one of the extra reasons people like to dress up. They want to be noticed, right? So, well...I noticed. I apologize if I annoyed or creeped anyone too much though. Thanks very much for being my models and for being so patient and kind about it. Everyone really was very nice-- even the slightly drunk folks.

The costumes? They were teriffic and varied. There were plenty of both simple and ornate ones everywhere I turned. From the peasant to the royal; the fantasy to the factual; the steampunk to the sultry; you all looked great to me. And I promise...I didn't steal anybody's souls with me camera either. I was right. No souls in me trusty Canon. My memory card didn't have that much capacity. You're all safe until next year at least. Maybe. Wonder how many gigabytes I need?

To honor ye delightful lords, ladies, peasants, and, of course, pirates, I shall now post thee here. Welcome to the page!!! Hope these images do you justice and that you're all pleased. Note: These are just a handfull of the pictures. Go check my photobucket page for more. MANY more. There I posted larger images including some of the performers and their acts. I gots an acrobatic fire juggler dude, some awesome belly dancing...all sorts of cool stuff. Plus, there's more great costume shots.
They're all uploaded now and ready fer yer viewing pleasure.

Linky poo-- 2011 Virginia Renaissance Faire on Photobucket

Left: I shot this before departing for the Faire. T'would be little ole me trying to look like a mean ole pirate. Not very convincing, huh? (Note the fake tattoos for authenticity.) Look more constipated and maybe a tad chilly. Shucks. I merely wanted to give you all at least one sweatless self shot before the day's moistness ensued. Even pirates don't like looking all drippy.

Right: This very beautiful young maiden was kind enough to pose with me shortly after entering the gate. Next to her beauty, I looked like some inbred mongoloid sea creature that washed up on some shore somewhere, then got hit with a stick. Anyway...she was a real sweetheart. Shortly after this shot, the lovely princess embarked upon a very dangerous quest. The quest for a suntan! I expect she probably ended up the same way I did-- very, very red. Ouch! Arrrg! We fair-skinned folk don't tans well, does we? BTW, green dress girl...ya look great without one and are MUCH better off. Remember, skin cancer is very hard to accessorize. Not much matches melanoma. Impossible to coordinate with your wardrobe. We pirates know about that kinda stuff! Hey, why do ya think we're are always so leathery? From years of salty air and seafarin'? Nahhhh. They're cancerous lesions. Hence the term, crusty pirates. Ewwwwww.
Left: Hark! What is this unusual creature roaming through the forest? Why, it's an elusive and very foxy wood elf! Being a bit rusty with my elven dialects I couldn't quite understand her. But, I believe from her gesture she was trying to communicate something. Either she was: 1. trying to look cool; 2. telling me how many orcs she'd just slain; or, 3. giving me the British two-fingered salute. Hmmmmm. She was very beautiful indeed, but I feared she would injure or slay me if I attempted to capture any more photos of her. I decided to flee instead, screaming like a schoolgirl.

Right: And who be this? Why it be none other than Captain Jack Sparrow. least a dead ringer.  He's a professional pirate entertainer known as Tall Pirate. He's a Johnny Depp impersonator (a VERY good one) and a D.J. as well. Yeppers...he's available for bookings folks. You can visit his webpage for more info with this convenient link
Hire a pirate today!!!!
Left: Gandalf the White Wizard? No...just a white guy. But he is dressed like a wizard!! He could beat you with that stick I bet. Ahem. Anyways...I kinda thought this was a nifty shot. I liked the way the blue and white in the outfit matched the colours in the sky. Whaddaya think? Ehh? Ehhhhhh?

Right: This was a very cool looking couple. After wandering around at the faire for a while I noticed something. I noticed this was the only other pirate themed dude out there wearing less costume than me. Smartly planned me fellow sea dog. It was far too warm for big leathery outfits. Arrrrg! His lady was truly lovely as well. A wench any pirate would be proud to have by his side. Just don't stare too long me mateys. She be a taken woman. I don't think ye wants ta be on tha bad side of her man. Yikes! They did seem pretty dern nice though.
Left: This eyecatching magical gypsy and her friend (who was sitting to the right and equally eyecatching--will include her in the Photobucket gallery) were purveyors of sage, incence, and peppermints...well...maybe not peppermints. Their breath was pretty fresh though. Can't really remember if it was minty or sagey. Hmmmm. They were some of the wonderous and kind vendors at this year's Faire. Come to think of was pretty sagey. Delightful.

Right: Cutey pie alert!!!!
And now some poetry I wrote just for her (clearing throat).
She was oft seen wandering around here and there, especially at this year's Renaissance Faire.
Perhaps she was posessed? Perhaps diseased? T'was something that should've been asked indeed!
I believe she was mad, were the truth to be told. And in need of a dentist and a good denture mold.
Perhaps she'd been lovely at some long ago time, but now she was icky and all covered with grime.
What happened? What's the reason? I uttered this outloud. And a peasant, they heard me, and came out from the crowd.
When he told me the answer, he said merely this...don't ever open a kissing booth in a time of syphilis.

Ok. My poetry sucks. Maybe it'd sound good to a madwoman though? Wait... trying to woo a crazy chick? Been there, done that. Awwwww heck, I'd still marry her! She'd have to lower her standards a bit probably. Tee hee. (Seriously Patrick? Tee hee? I do say that from time to time.)
Left: Oooooooooooo...I was so happy to have caught a photo of at least one of the faeriefolk. This sassy looking fae was simply known as Gwenifaery-- a kind and lovely merchant from the magical realm. She visits our world on occasion to sell her wares to our lowly humankind. Before you even ask, "do faeries have websites?" YES! They do! Do yourself the honor of visiting this beautiful and talented creature's page. See all the amazing handcrafted pretties that came from her wee fingers. The magical place is -- Faerieworks

Right: It was in the mid-eighties on this day. This regal lady must've been sweating buckets in that outfit. It was a great look though. And she was very nice to chat with. Really, really hope she didn't get heat stroke. Loved the moustache on a stick too!!!!! Wonder if they have a website for those? I'm not motivated enough to look.
Left: Another enchanting maiden in the forest. Not sure what else to say. Count yourself lucky I can't think of anything snarky I guess.

Right: Is that Sir Robin Of Locksley? Errrr...ummmm. More like Sir Robin Of Locksupwhenhepees. (Sigh...the jokes keep getting worse.) Well, at least he was drinking water from his goblet instead of ale. Prostates can seriously become a bitch with too much of that crap. Oh, and if you can't tell, this was the archery section of the Faire. Pretty cool actually. Sorry to the gent about the joke btw. When it comes to prostates you don't want to rub someone the wrong way. Prostate humour I mean.
Left: She may look all cute and cuddly, but beware! She's pretty deadly with that pair!!!! I mean the axes you silly people. Seriously...the awful way your minds work. It frankly shocks me sometimes. Sigh. Anyway, this was from this year's axe throwing booth. That lady was the master of the axes. In spite of the sharp cutty things she seemed to really enjoy throwing, she was actually a very nice person. Still don't want to turn my back on a chick with axes though. Sure you understand. I do feel strangely attracted to dangerous ladies for some reason. Chop, chop Miss Lizzie.

Right: Is this not like the cutest couple known to man? At least a runner up? You be the judge. They were a very polite and friendly pair.
Gosh...I hope they weren't brother and sister. I just described them as a couple and all. I mean, they both have the same black curly hair. Their complexions are the same. Oh dear heavens!!! I feel kind of sick now. Oh, man. This is really going to bother me until I know something. I don't know why I just assumed they were a couple. Well, they both looked very close. They both stared lovingly at each other. Oh, man. I'm going to try to block all of this out now. Oh, man. Wonder if they have any kids. Aggggggghhhhhuggghhhh. I feel unclean. Hmmmm, I don't know. If my sister looked like that....NOOOOOO....STOP IT!!!!!!!
Left: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...poofy shirted string plucker. Very good tunes were coming from this gentleman. Lovely for a walk in the woods with your girlfriend/sister. Ohhhhh man! I'm still thinking about it. Geez! Get out of my head!

Right: Am slightly certain these guys aren't related. Slightly. Two were piratey and one was asiany. When I asked if I could capture a photo of them, the pretty asian gal assumed I only wanted the costumed ones in the shot. She ran off to the side. Had to coax her back into it. I mean were a group and all. You don't necessarily have to be in a costume to be included in a costume shot either. Right? Well...usually you do. But you know me. I love all things asian. So I definately didn't mind her being in there too. I think she adds balance to the shot. Every picture needs an asian in my opinion. It would make the world a much better place. Asians rule!!!!! And...they...will.
Left: Oh my goodness! This lady was adorable. If I were a REAL photographer or a portrait artist this is the person I'd dream of having as my model. Flaming red hair, delicate features, fair skin, and facial expressions to die for. That and a sparkling personality. I mean, look at that smile. Golly...I bet even her flatulence is as lovely and fragrant as a field of flowers. Ahem. Backing away from that last statment..........................In her period costume she was so amazing. I really wish I'd gotten more shots of this little lass. Sigh. I feel so forlorn. Sigh, sigh, sigh. Gasp! The melancholy is setting in. Ohhhhhhh! Woe is me! Eh...I'll be ok. Maybe next year I shall capture your beauty again? Until then...Madame, I shall dub thee, Lady Freckly Bottom. I shan't forget thee. Wait....what was I talking about?

Right: I printed up so many nice little purple cards to hand out to the people I photographed. Passed 'em all out too. I still had a few of my older cards left as reserve. By the end of the day I'd passed most of them out too. In fact, by the time I'd discovered this gal I was down to my last one. Can you guess who got it? Doesn't she look thrilled?? Look at that punum! Hold on. I'm not Jewish. Can I use punum?

The end...for this page.
Feel free to say hi or comment on the Renfaire Babble Blog!!!!

    Contact thingy for the 2011 Faire