Arrrrrrrrg! Tis Patrick The Pirate! I shivers me own timber thank ye very much!
Intro portion:
Hark...what's that smell in the air??? Roasted mutton? Ale? Leather? Pleather? Rubber and vinyl? Sweaty bosoms and codpieces? Farm animals? Snooty royals? Peasants? Foppishly foppish fopps? Overpriced burgers and fries that don't exactly harken back to ye olden times? Sniff, sniff. Why...what ever could it be? Hurrah! Hurrah! (I love saying that.) It's the smell of the Renaissance Faire!!!!! Yayyyyyyyy! It's time, it's time! Lets all revel in the revelry! Eat, drink, find yourself a sheep and be merry. Eh, you won't remember anyways. Right???? Unless I take pictures. I always take pictures. Remember that and ye shall do well.

Well, I don't know what you think, but, I thought this would make a fun addition to my photography section. I've always enjoyed "period" stuff. Been a listner of Early & Renaissance music for years. I've loved the artwork, clothing, etc., of the times as well. There's just something about it. When it came to Renaissance Faires though I was a noobie. I'd always wanted to participate in one but never really had the chance. In 2011 some family members decided it would be fun to go to the Virginia Renfaire at the Lake Anna Winery. I was completely on board for that. Would like to make it a yearly thing too if possible. Here's hoping. See ya there!!!!

Info portion:
Here's the link to the Virginia Renaissance Faire website shouldst thou wishest to join in the festivities.

I've opened up what I call my Renfaire Babble Blog Page. For those who attended (such as I) feel free to say hi. Would love to hear your tales of the Virginia Rennie Faire--either real or imagined. Also, if I snapped your photo (& gaveth thee mine magical card) and it appears on here you're most welcome to comment. Please let me know if you like the shot or if you don't. Will be happy to remove it if thou art displeased. K? Oh, and BE NICE with your comments and no spamming. Otherwise thine comments wilt be stricken from mine site. Goteth it???? Good. Y'all should know that kinda stuff anyways.

The future:
Because of space limitations on Weebly, I'll be posting future Renaissance Faire
(when I can & if I go) pictures on either Flickr or Photobucket. There you'll be able to see many more pictures and in larger sizes. Will be sure to give you the gallery/album links at that time riiiiight here. Ain't I nice? As for right now you can see a few of the 2011 Faire pics on their own special Weebly subpage. Convenient links right down below.

Quicky Links...
On Weebly:
Renfaire Babble Blog
2011 VA Renaissance Faire Pictures

On Photobucket...larger versions of the 2011 VARF pictures! Below is the link to the gallery. Be sure to bookmark it, visit, and say howdy doooooo.
Photobucket Galleries & Stuff:
2011 Virginia Renaissance Faire Pictures

ATTENTION: To all ye Vendors & Performers from the Faire...

I'll be more than happy to put links on here for your business or performance craft. I met and exchanged cards with many at the faire and will create something for ya as soon as I can. Some I photographed and chatted with but forgot to get your info. I did give you my card though...I think. Anyway, If you see yourself in the pics and would like me to link you as well just send me your website and info. Keep in touch and good luck with all!!!!

    Questions, comments... asketh or commenteth away. I shall readeth it eventually(eth).